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Dr. Alexis Aspée

Durante los últimos años, nuestro grupo ha centrado su investigación en el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias para estudiar los procesos y mecanismos de radicales libres implicados en la oxidación de aminoácidos y proteínas, como la quimioluminiscencia espontánea de nivel débil. Recientemente, desarrollamos y aplicamos sondas pre-fluorescentes de nitróxido para monitorear la formación de radicales libres en una amplia variedad de sistemas químicos, incluidas zeolitas, películas poliméricas y proteínas. Además, el uso de estas sondas se amplió para evaluar antioxidantes polifenólicos en reacciones basadas en transferencia de hidrógeno y / o electrones hacia nitróxidos, tanto en sistemas homogéneos como microheterogéneos. Estas metodologías nos han permitido comprender mejor los mecanismos de oxidación de radicales libres y antioxidantes en sistemas complejos en concomitancia con el uso de técnicas de resolución temporal para monitorear la formación de radicales libres y transitorios fotoinducidos por excitación láser de sondas moleculares y su reacción con proteínas, aminoácidos y también nitróxido y antioxidantes fenólicos.
2021-2025 FONDECYT 1211351 (Co-investigador) Interplay between Molecular Electronics and Electrocatalysis: Electrocatalytic Self-assembled systems as "supramolecular nano-devices" for applications in clean energy conversion.
2022-2026 FONDECYT 1220459 (Co-investigador) Dimers and Heterodimers of Tryptophan and Tyrosine as Biomarkers of Protein Oxidation: Analytical Approaches for their Quantification in Isolated Proteins, Cell Extracts and C. Elegans Worms
2023-2026 FONDECYT 1231468 (Investigador Principal) Evaluation of conformational dynamic aspects on the oxidation of antimicrobial-inspired peptides in phospholipid membranes by fast photoinduced free radical generation
- 2015 FONDEQUIP EQM 150084 GC MS MS Plataforma de Cromatografía de Gases acoplada a espectrometría de Masa/Masa para el desarrollo de investigación multidisciplinar en la Universidad de Santiago de Chile en el estudio de compuestos volátiles en problemáticas transversales.
- 2014-2018 FONDECYT-Chile 1140240 (Principal Investigador) Photoinduced free radicals and excited triplet states formation in organised biological mimetic systems.
- 2014-2018 FONDECYT-Chile 1141142 (Co-investigador) Role of tryptophan residues in the aggregation and fragmentation of peptides and proteins induced by peroxyl and carbón centered radicals.
- 2013 FONDEQUIP EQM 120065 UHPLC MSMS. Mejoramiento de equipamiento para detección de intermediarios y productos de reacción para los grupos de investigación de Cinética Química y Electroquímica de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile
- 2013-2015 FONDECYT-3130697 Postdoctorado /Dr. Christian Aliaga (Patrocinante) Photochemistry of organic molecules in homogeneous and constrained media
- 2017-2019 FONDECYT-3170590 Postdoctorado /Dr. Francisco Mura (Patrocinante) Nueva perspectiva de sondas duales nitróxido-fluoróforo en péptidos: estudio de su interacción con bicapas lipídicas.
- 2017-2021 FONDECYT-1170842 (Co-investigador) Enhancement of endothelium signaling by dietary polyphenols and potassium supplements in control and STZdiabetic rats.
- 2018-2022 FONDECYT-1180642 (Co-investigador) Oxidative modifications induced by carbonate radical, nitrogen dioxide, and peroxyl radicals on two enzymes of the pentose phosphate pathway: consequences on NADPH release and reduced glutathione recycling.
- 2019-2023 FONDECYT-1190881 (Principal Investigador) Electron transfer processes in peptides induced by free radicals: Influence of the amino acid sequence, peptide conformation and microenvironment.
- L. Scarpetta-Pizo, R. Venegas, P. Barrías, K. Muñoz-Becerra, N. Vilches-Labbé, F. Mura, A. M. Méndez-Torres, R. Ramírez-Tagle, A. Toro-Labbé, S. Hevia, J. H. Zagal, R. Oñate, A. Aspée, I. Ponce, Electron Spin-Dependent Electrocatalysis for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction in a Chiro-Self-Assembled Iron Phthalocyanine Device, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, 62, e202315146.
- Zúñiga-Núñez, D., Mura, F., Mariño-Ocampo, N., Briones-Rebolledo, P., Poblete, H., Mallet, J-M., Fuentealba, D., Aspée, A. Time-resolved fluorescence and anisotropy-sensitive 1,2-dimyristoyl-snglycero-3-(7-aminocoumarin) phosphoetanolamide probe for studying membrane lipid domains, Dyes and Pigments, 2023, 111368,
Orellana-Maldonado, I., Aspée, A., Barrias, P., Santana, P. A., Tirapegui, C., Photoswitching studies of new photochromic ionic liquids studied in real time by in situ irradiation, New J. Chem., 2022,46, 12825-12835,
- Cortés-Quezada, M., Parada, A.M., Videla, X., Valdés, J. A., Gonzalez-Catrilelbún, S., Aspée, A., Nario, A., Rivas-Aravena, A., Labelling fish diets with 15 N -Leucine for monitoring feed consumption and bio-distribution in Atlantic salmon, Vet Med Sci. 2022;1 8. DOI: 10.1002/vms3.730.
- Bridi R, Gonzalez A, Bordeu E, Lopez-Alarcon C, Aspee A, Diethelm B, Lissi E, Parpinello GP, Versari A. Monitoring peroxides generation during model wine fermentation by FOX-1 assay. Food Chem. 175, 25-28 (2015) ISI 2014: 3.391. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.11.126.
- E. Dorta, E. Fuentes-Lemus, A. Aspee, E. Atala, H. Speisky, R. Bridi, E. Lissi, C. Lopez- Alarcon, The ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) index does not reflect the capacity of antioxidants to trap peroxyl radicals, RSC Adv. 5, 39899-39902 (2015) ISI 2014: 3.84. DOI: 10.1039/C5RA01645B
- M. Liras, S. Simoncelli, A. Rivas-Aravena, O. Garcia, J. C. Scaiano, E. I. Alarcon, A. Aspee, Nitroxide amide-BODIPY probe behavior in fibroblasts analyzed by advanced fluorescence microscopy, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, (2016), 14, 4023 - 4026. ISI 2014: 3.562. DOI: 10.1039/C6OB00533K
- E. Fuentes-Lemus, E. Dorta, E. Escobar, A. Aspee, E. Pino, M. L. Abasq, H. Speisky, E. Silva, E. Lissi, M. J. Davies, C. Lopez-Alarcon, Oxidation of free, peptide and protein tryptophan residues mediated by AAPH-derived free radicals: role of alkoxyl and peroxyl radicals, RSC Adv.(2016) 6, 57948. ISI 2014: 3.84. 10.1039/C6RA12859A
- J. Benavides, P. Barrias, N. Piro, A. Arenas, A. Orrego, E. Pino, L. Villegas, E. Dorta, A. Aspee⁎, C. Lopez-Alarcon⁎. Reaction of tetracycline with biologically relevant chloramines, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, (2017), 178, 171–180. ISI 2014: 2.353. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2017.03.082
- E. Dorta, A. Aspee, E. Pino, L. Gonzalez, E. Lissi, C. Lopez-Alarcon, Controversial alkoxyl and peroxyl radical scavenging activity of the tryptophan metabolite 3-hydroxy-anthranilic acid, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, (2017), 90, 332-338. ISI 2014: 2.023
- A. Aspee, C. Aliaga, L. D. Zuniga-Nunez, J. Godoy, E. Pino, G. Cardenas-Jiron, C. Lopez- Alarcon, JC Scaiano, EI Alarcon, Reaction Kinetics of Phenolic Antioxidants Towards Photo- Induced Pyranine Free Radicals in Biological Models, J. Phys. Chem. B. (2017), 121, 6331-6340. ISI 2014: 3.302. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b02779
- Daniel Zuniga-Nunez, Pablo Barrias, Gloria Cardenas-Jiron, M. Soledad Ureta-Zanartu, Camilo Lopez-Alarcon, F. Eduardo Moran Vieyra, Claudio D. Borsarelli, Emilio I. Alarcon, Alexis Aspee*, Atypical antioxidant activity of non-phenolic amino-coumarins, RSC Adv. (2018), 8, 1927-1933. ISI 2014: 3.84 DOI: 10.1039/C7RA12000A
- Fuentes-Lemus E, Silva E, Barrias P, Aspee A, Escobar E, Lorentzen LG, Carroll L, Leinisch F, Davies MJ, Lopez-Alarcon C. Aggregation of α- and β- caseins induced by peroxyl radicals involves secondary reactions of carbonyl compounds as well as di-tyrosine and di-tryptophan formation. Free Radic Biol Med. (2018), 124, 176-188. ISI 2014: 5.784 doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2018.06.005.
- Daniel Zuniga-Nunez, Ricardo A. Zamora, Pablo Barrias, Cristian Tirapegui, Horacio Poblete, Gloria Cardenas-Jiron, Emilio I. Alarcon, Alexis Aspee. Theoretical rationalisation of the photophysics of a TICT excited state of cinnamoyl–coumarin derivatives in homogeneous and biological membrane models, Phys Chem Chem Phys. (2018) Nov 7;20(43):27621-27629. doi: 10.1039/c8cp04963g.
- E. Silva, P. Barrias, E. Fuentes-Lemus, C.Tirapegui, A. Aspee, L. Carroll, M. J. Davies, C. Lopez-Alarcon, Riboflavin-induced Type 1 photo-oxidation of tryptophan using a high intensity 365‚ nm light emitting diode, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, (2019), 131, 133-143.
- Francisco Mura, Daniel Zuniga-Nunez, Jean-Maurice Mallet, Solange Lavielle, Pascal Matton, Pablo Barrias, Denis Fuentealba, Alexis Aspee, A microenvironment-sensitive coumarinlabeled peptide for the assessment of lipid-peptide interactions, Dyes and Pigments (2020), 176, 108234
- Zamora RA, Fuentes-Lemus E, Barrias P, Herrera-Morande A, Mura F, Guixe V, Castro- Fernandez V, Rojas T, Lopez-Alarcon C, Aguirre P, Rivas-Aravena A, Aspee A., Free 11 radicals derived from γ-radiolysis of water and AAPH thermolysis mediate oxidative crosslinking of eGFP involving Tyr-Tyr and Tyr-Cys bonds: the fluorescence of the protein is conserved only towards peroxyl radicals. Free Radic Biol Med. (2020) Feb 17;150:40-52
- Zúniga-Nunez, D, Mura, F., Zamora, R. A., Poblete, H., Fuentealba, D., Aspee, A. Cinnamoyl– coumarin hybrid derivatives with remarkable fluorescent molecular-rotor properties in mixtures of DPPC:DOPC LUVs, Dyes and Pigments 178 (2020) 108356.
- Castro, J., Fernandez, F., Olivares, F., Berrios, C., Garrido-Ramirez, E., Blanco, E., Escalona, N., Aspee, A., Barrias, P., Ureta-Zanart, M. S. Electrodes based on zeolites modified with cobalt and/or molybdenum for pesticide degradation: part II—2,4,6-trichlorophenol degradation, J. Solid State Electrochem. (2020)
- Reyes, J.S., Fuentes-Lemus, E., Aspee, A., Davies, M. J., Monasterio, O., Lopez-Alarcon, C. M. jannaschii FtsZ, a key protein in bacterial cell division, is inactivated by peroxyl radicalmediated methionine oxidation, Free Radic Biol Med. 166 (2021) 53-66. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2021.02.003.