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Dr. Daniel Aravena

Assistant Professor from the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. He was born in 1985 in Linares, Chile and received his undergraduate degree in Chemistry from the Universidad de Chile in 2009. He obtained his M.S. (2011) and PhD. (2013) from the Universidad de Barcelona (Spain) under direction of Professor Eliseo Ruiz. After a postdoctoral stage at Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany) with Professor Frank Neese and Professor Mihail Atanasov, he joined at the Universidad de Santiago de Chile in 2015.
Research area is focused in the calculation of spectroscopic and magnetic properties from diverse inorganic systems, such as Single Molecule Magnets, guest responsive Metal-Organic Frameworks, molecular devices, photomagnetic and spin-crossover compounds. During his postdoctoral stay in Germany, PhD. Aravena contributed to the ORCA electronic structure software.
Currently, he is involved in the development of new models to simulate magnetic relaxation of Single Molecule Magnets and the ab initio description spin-orbit effects for excited state dynamics from inorganic complexes. Complementing theoretical studies, D.A. Research Group works in close collaboration with experimental groups from the U. de Santiago de Chile and U. de Chile.