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Dr. Diego Venegas


PhD Diego Venegas-Yazigi obtained his Bachelor of Science degree with a mention in Chemistry at the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad de Chile. Later he entered to Chemistry Doctorate program at the same University. His doctoral thesis was mainly carried out in the laboratory of Professor A.B.P. Lever, York University, Toronto, Canada who was also his thesis supervisor, along with professors Ramón O. Latorre and Juan Costamagna. He was an academic at the Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Universidad de Chile, and later he entered at the Universidad de Santiago as Associate Professor in 2008. Currently, he is Professor from this University and Director of Laboratory Molecular Magnetism and Molecular Materials (LM4). These laboratories are also made up with young independent researchers who find out a common study of molecular-based materials, generating collaborations between all research areas.

He has published more than 85 articles in ISI Jornals and a book chapter. He has led several doctoral, master and undergraduate thesis. He has participated in national and international thesis works. He has supervised several postdoctoral researchers in his laboratory and was distinguished by the Chilean Academy of Sciences in 2007 as a member of the Science of Frontier program for outstanding young scientists. Also, PhD Venegas-Yazigi has developed research leading to patenting and those which are in technology transfer stage.

Research Area: 

His main research area has been electronic and magnetic study of mixed valence polyoxometalates, which has been incorporating to study of functionalized polyoxometalate systems with organic ligands to coordinate lanthanide ions and to study the interrelation between mixed valence inorganic fragment and the lanthanide ion bound through an organic molecule, in addition to study Carbon Nanotubes functionalized, self-cleaning nanostructured coatings and laminar systems for photodegradation.


Currently, he is head of the Nanostructures Chemistry Area of the Center for the Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, CEDENNA, which begins a new three-year period (2020-2022), after closing ten years of development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Chile (2009-2019).