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Dr. José Zagal


Professor and "Distinguished Academician" at the Universidad de Santiago de Chile, from the Department of Materials Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology. He holds a degree in Chemistry from the Universidad de Chile (1973)and his doctoral degree from the Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (1978) with postdoctoral experience at the Department of Energy, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York (1982).

He has been a member of the United States Electrochemical Society's Fellows Award jury, a member of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) ISE-Elsevier Award jury, and a member of the ISE Gold Medal Electrochimica Acta award jury. He is president and founder of the ACMC (Chilean Association of Carbon Materials) and President of the Ibero-American Electrochemical Society (SIBAE). He is a member of the Latin American Academy of Sciences and Emeritus Member of the Electrochemical Society of the United States. In 2016 he was honored with a Special Issue of the Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (Editorial Springer) in his anniversary (65 years), which included 40 works by authors from more than 20 countries.

Research Area: 

His research Area focuses on Electrochemistry and electrode materials Development for energy conversion and for electrochemical sensors.

Latest Publications: 

He has published more than 225 works, 200 indexed, 10 book chapters and 3 patents. He has a cover article for the Royal Society journal: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. He is textbook co-author for undergraduate and graduate students. He is co-editor of 3 books for Springer Publishing House for specialists. It currently has an impact factor H = 41 (Web of Science) and H = 42 with Scopus with 25.5 citations per article, and H = 50 (Google Scholar) with more than 7875 citations. According to a study published in 2016 by Google, which includes the 1000 most cited researchers in Chile, it appears in 32nd place, being the most cited Chilean chemist on that list: